Software Prototyping by Relational Techniques:
Experiences with Program Construction Systems

Stefano Ceri, Stefano Crespi-Reghizzi, Andrea Di Maio, Luigi Lavazza


A Method for designing and prototyping program construction systems using relational databases is presented. Relations are the only data structure used inside the sistems and for interfaces; programs extensively use relational languages, in particular relational algebra. Two large projects are described. The Ada Relational Translator (ART) is an experimental compiler for Ada, in which all subsystems, including the parser, semantic analyzer, interpreter, kernel and debugger, use relations as their only data structures. The relational approach has been pushed to the utmost to achieve fast prototyping in a student environment. Multi-Micro Line (MML) is a toolset for constructing programs for multiprocessors' targets in which relations are used for allocation and configuration control. Both experiences confirm the validity of the approach for managing teamwork in evolving projects, identify areas where this approach is appropriate, and  raise critical issues.


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